Temperance Mark Masons Lodge No 774 (2016 Installation)
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Keith Alan Beardmore and members of the provincial team attended the Lodge Room at Woolton Golf Club on Tuesday 16th February, to celebrate not only Temperance Mark Masons Lodge No 774 Installation meeting, but also the lodge’s inaugural meeting at this, their new home.  (Temperance Mark Masons Lodge No 774 is the first Mark Lodge to meet at this venue.)
The meeting started with a ballot for twelve new joining members and then due to unforeseen circumstances a ballot for the new Worshipful Master.  Once a new Worshipful Master had been selected the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master accompanied by Grand and Provincial Grand officers processed in.
W.Bro Bryan Humphries, P.A.G.St.B, the Installing Master and acting Worshipful Master; then asked the Provincial Grand Wardens and Provincial Grand Inner Guard to occupy their respective chairs.   W.Bro Humphries then installed W.Bro Stephen Lyon, Prov .G. Swd Br. into the Chair of Temperance Mark Lodge.
An excellent explanation of the working tools of a Mark Master Mason was given by Bro. Doug Holgate. The address to the new Worshipful Master was done in fine form by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro Michael Clark. It fell to the Provincial Grand Senior Warden Andrew Whittle to do the address to the Wardens, while the Provincial Grand Junior Warden did the overseers address and with the final address given by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.
After the congratulations and presentation of a cheque to the West Lancashire Mark Charities, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Keith Alan Beardmore once again took the Chair and opened Provincial Grand Lodge.  W.Bro Leslie More P.Prov G.J.W was requested to step forward.  W.Bro Moore who had been Master of the Lodge in 1998 and treasurer for many years then was promoted by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master to P.Prov G.S.W for all the work he done on behalf of the lodge.
A very enjoyable festive board then followed.  In reply to the toasts both the Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Senior Warden made reference to the new start and hope for the future that the Lodge could look forward to at its new home.
Being the first West Lancashire Mark Lodge at the hall and within the Woolton Group it was hoped that this would encourage many new Craft Masons to join Mark Masonry.
With several new candidates already waiting to join Temperance Mark Masons Lodge it looks like the new Worshipful Master and his team will have plenty of work to do over the next year.  We wish Temperance Mark Lodge a lot of success at their new venue.
Words and Pictures Derek Gaskell.